Portugal – VinciBot – Grade 4
Portugal – VinciBot – Grade 4


EB de Esporões – AESAS, Portugal

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How was the Matatalab robot(s) used?

During my time teaching in the classroom, I utilized the VinciBot to assist my students in their understanding of geometric figures and engineering concepts. this is an educational robot that can be programmed to perform various tasks, and I found it to be a valuable tool in enhancing my students’ engagement and interest in STEM topics.

One of the ways we used VinciBot was to draw geometric figures. The students were able to program the robot to move in specific patterns, such as rectangles, squares or triangles. This activity helped reinforce their understanding of geometry concepts and gave them hands-on experience with programming and robotics.

Additionally, I had my students build a simple sound alarm using the VinciBot. This allowed them to learn about basic engineering concepts and practice programming the robot to carry out specific actions. The students programmed the robot to detect when a certain condition was met, such as a high sound, classroom noise or the absence of sound. When the condition was met, VinciBot would emit a loud beeping sound, alerting us to the change. This activity helped the students develop their problem-solving skills and gave them an introduction to the world of electronics and sensors.

Overall, I found the VinciBot to be an excellent addition to my classroom, as it provided a hands-on and interactive learning experience for my students. By using the robot to draw geometric shapes and build a sound alarm, my students were able to develop their creativity, problem-solving skills, and understanding of STEM concepts.

What skills did it develop?

Communication; cooperation; collaboration; design thinking; problem solving

What worked best and what was challenging?

Overall, everything worked perfectly, the only challenge was the quality of the internet connection, which sometimes prevented us to connect to the website

How did students respond?

My students absolutely loved using VinciBot in the classroom! They were excited to work with the robot and quickly became engaged in the activities we had planned. Even those who were initially hesitant to work with technology and robotics soon became comfortable with the device and were eager to program it to do different tasks.

VinciBot was particularly effective in keeping the students engaged because it offered a hands-on learning experience that allowed them to explore complex concepts in a fun and interactive way.

Additionally, the ability to see their programming come to life in real-time gave them a sense of accomplishment and encouraged them to keep experimenting and trying new things.

Overall, VinciBot was a hit with my students, and I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to introduce them to this exciting technology.

Portugal – VinciBot – Grade 4 Portugal – VinciBot – Grade 4 Portugal – VinciBot – Grade 4 – Liliana Marisa da Costa Fernandes Portugal – VinciBot – Grade 4