With the help of Tale-bot, children learn to program, we make descriptive stories of professions, about how I spent the weekend; we made recipes for salad and other dishes; with the help of a robot, we talked about how to grow microgreens, developed our own instruction cards with tasks; put words out of syllables; “walked” around the zoo;….thanks to the drawing function, they drew paths for the dog to the bowl, the house, talked about what the kitten was doing, for this they drew a map with tasks on an A3 sheet. With the help of a robot artist, they drew a New Year’s card (Tale-bot drew balloons on the Christmas tree, children did everything else)
Classes with Tale-bot contribute to the formation of a comprehensive development of the child. Develop memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech, creativity. Develop cognitive interest and technical skills. Develops communication skills and the ability to work in a team.They receive initial programming skills. Children get a lot of fun from working with a robot.
There have been no difficulties so far. In the future, we plan to use other work opportunities.
The children are delighted!! They didn’t even need instructions on how to control the robot