France – Tale-Bot Pro – Preschool
France – Tale-Bot Pro – Preschool

How many kids are in a group


How was the MatataStudio robot(s) used?

To sum up : in 3 weeks (I received it late and my school has to close due to covid) I had the time to introduce 3 lessons to 3 classes: « Who is Tale-Bot Pro » « Can a bot draw » « A journey to the zoo ». It was a small group of 8 to 10 so I repeated it 3 times.

Each kid had the possibility to manipulate and they worked by a team of 2 for each coding: one speculate and found the order of the arrow and the other pressed the arrows. I introduced it also to a colleague and to her class and she took the bot at home in order to practice it for January. Her daughter ( 6 grade) discovers the bot all by herself and was amazed by all the possibilities

What skills did it develop?

Work together, Problem Solving, Language, Observation, Counting skills


What worked best and what was challenging?

It was challenging for the rest of the class to wait for their turn. The zoo and cycle of frog was the top best for them . 8 or 10 students is the maximum if we want all them to watch the map in the right way up

How did students respond?

They were totally part of it, a lot of sparkle in their eyes, concentrated and focused on the problem solving: use of the arrow to where the bot told them .


Share your comments upon the class using Matatalab

I was impressed by the possibilities of programming and all those maps. Very good idea the command cards. Kids weren’t bother at all by the English language, they love hearing the voice of the bot. They found him so cute, for them it became part of the class .When he was on my desk after the lesson and they were persuaded that he was sleeping.

What is the favorite function for the students?

The drawing function, the Interactive Maps, the paper craft, the accessories for the both sides of the robot


Any others you would like to share

Here is the comments of my colleague who discovered tale a bot : Anne « he is so cute, kids love it and when they custom it they work together and use craft skills »Amandine « so easy to use, I was afraid of coding but it is so simple »Isabelle « Fantastic, when we’ll do planting , the cycle of sunflower will be our assessment »