
Activity/Lesson Key Information

Big Idea

Matatalab could be used in a math class. Let us draw Arabic numbers with Matatalab!


Matatalab tangible coding language,Arabic numbers.


Draw Arabic numbers 0-9 with Matatalab Coding Set.

Learning Outcomes
  • Compare the difference between handwritten Arabic numbers and those drawn by MatataBot.
  • Apply the motion blocks, including move forward, move backward, turn left, and turn right, to draw simple Arabic numbers (0, 1 and 7) .
  • Draw the other Arabic numbers (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9) based on the provided programs. 
  • Explore the usage of the Loop blocks.
  • Challenge to code the date of your birthday without the provided programs.
Key Vocabulary
  • MatataBot: A Robot
  • Command: instructions given to a computer or robot
  • Move forward: the MatataBot move forward 10cm
  • Move backward: the MatataBot move backward 10cm
  • Turn right : 90º turn to the robot’s right side
  • Turn left: 90º turn to the robot’s left side
  • Loop: repeat with the specified action
Prior Knowledge

Students know how to use Matatalab Coding Set to program and control the movement of the MatataBot.

CSTA(K-2): 1A-CS-01, 1A-DA-05, 1A-DA-06, 1A-AP-10, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-14
ISTE:1a, 3a, 3c, 4a, 4c, 5c

Detailed Lesson Plan

Lead in & Guided Activity


1.Compare the difference between handwritten Arabic numbers and those drawn by MatataBot.


2.The teacher demonstrates how to draw Arabic number 1 with Matatalab.

Independent Activity


Students need to:

1. Figure out the program to draw the Arabic numbers 0 and 7 by themselves. 


2. Code to draw the Arabic numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 based on the programs for Arabic numbers 2 and 3 provided by the teacher.


4. Summary the usage of Loop blocks.

5. Challenge to code the date of their birthday without the provided programs.



Feedback & Extension


Review the usage of Loop blocks.
Share your work with other students.


Potential questions:

  • I have all the programs for the ten Arabic numbers here. Which program could be used to draw number 0/1/2/3……?
  • If I need to use the Loop blocks to draw a square, which program is the right one?
  • Have you finished coding your birthday date? Please take them home and share with your parents.
Product Related
Coding Set
Supplementary Materials

White papers, erasable water color pens